AI Researcher at HrFlow.ai.

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AI Researcher at HrFlow.ai

+33 6 34 66 88 58



Hello there :wave:

I’m Mustapha AJEGHRIR and this is my personal website. Please feel free to go through my projects, you can email me if necessary.

I’m very interested in AI and its applications. I love to engineer new/classic algorithms and methods to get the best value for highly demanding applications where multiple skills are required.

Interested in :

  • Artificial Intelligence
    • Natural Language Processing
    • Computer Vision
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Audio
    • Tabular Data
    • Forcasting …
  • Mathematics
    • Modelization
    • Optimization
    • Probabilities
    • Algebra …
  • Software Engineering
  • Full stack development

Some of my projects :

See all projects here : projects